
The agressive earthworm !

  Earthworm Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: annelida class: clitellata Order: Opisthopora Suborder: Lumbricina Species: Lumbricus Genus: L. rubellus I found this earthworm during the trail through the bondla forest, at the first glance the earthworm was tumbling, wriggling like a snake guess it was ๐Ÿ˜ angry, so i misunderstood it for the former, but then i realised it was a fat chubby earthworm.๐Ÿ˜Œ Earthworms belong to non-chordates and have a slimy body that keep them lubricated for their movement. They are hermophrodite that tranform themselves into both male and female depending upon the need. The body is segmented throughout the length. They breath through their skin, thus they need to keep their skin moist with water. The major application of earthworm is in vermicomposting industry that has proved to be a beneficial bussiness for many in India. As I remenber , as a part of my core course in the first year of my undergraduate degree we had been assigned to make a vermicompost. Well my fir

The state animal of Goa.

  Gaur Indian Bison Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: chordata Class: Mammalia Order: artiodactyla Family: Bovidae Subfamily: Bovinae Genus: Bos Species; B. gaurus This hefty animal is the state animal of Goa and has a very heavy body . The picture that i clicked was of gaur in their herd. There are a bunch of them. This picture was clicked during the Bondla field trip. as the name suggest Gaur are endemic to India, they are native to south asia and southeast asia. Describing their characteristic features, they are strong and massively built bovine with a high cover ridge on the forehead between the horns.They have a prominent ridge on their back that gives them a characteristic structure.  Well at the animal ,at the first instinct i was scared seeing their heavy body the first thought that clicked me was what if the animal break the fencing they are kept in, I am gonna be dead ๐Ÿ˜ฐ. But then it was a random and irrelevant of me to think that. 

The larvae that I thought was a worm.

 Fall webworm Moth Kingdom: animalia Phylum: arthropoda Class: insecta Order: lepidoptera Superfamily: noctuoidea Family: erebidae Subfamily: Artctiinae Genus:  Hyphantria Species: H. cunea So i discovered this worm uh-huh ๐Ÿ˜•an insect that i thought was a worm at my college campus. Well all thatnks to my professor who cleared my confusion. So this basically is larvae which will undergo metamorphosis to develop into an adult Fall webworm moth.  The fall webworm moth is native to North America and is commonly found there. One of its special characteristic is that ot creates a webbed nest on the limbs of the tree hence the name webworm . Talking about metamorphosis it is the developmental process that most insects under go. In this process the newly hatched species of insect undergo morphological, behvioral and physiological changes to become a fully functional adult. Well i could not capture the adult stage because duh , i only found a larvae๐Ÿ˜. But i am planning to visit that area in my

The attractive male phesant.

 Silver pheasant Kingdom: animalia phyllum: chordata class: Aves order: galliformes family: phasianidae genus: lophura species: L. nycthemera Silver pheasants are mainly endemic to mainland of southeast asia and southern and eastern china. This species are mainly located in mountains. The picture shown above is of a male which is generally black and white and a female pheasant is characterised by its brown colour.  The above picture was captured by me on our class field visit at Bondla wildlife sanctuary in Ponda Goa.  The enclosure of this birds was of glass in which they were moving around seeing a big crowd of us students. Here in this picture if u notice there at the back u can see the female pheasant walking. If u compare the two opposite sexes , the males are more attractive due to the bright white colour and the red on their face that provides a constrat in the eyes of the viewer. This bird was one of the species that I saw among different birds. It was my first time seeing this

Enjoying life at its own pace

Gargen  Snail ( Cornu aspersum ) kingdom  : Animalia   Phyllum : Mollusca    Class   : Gastropoda         Order   : Stylommatophora   Genus    : Cornu                  Species  :  C. aspersum             Garden snail as the name tells are often seen in garden, finding this slow moving organism was really helpfull during the rainy season.  This species belong to the phyllum mollusca. This phylllum species are known as molluscs and are characterised by having a soft body not well differentiated but mainly having a hard outer shell . The shell  is made up of calcium carbonate and is a bit fragile incase of snail, so watch out before stepping in your garden as your mis-step would end up you crushing their shell and killing a rather small innocent snail (cause i ended up doing the same)๐Ÿ˜…. Snails are of various variety but are classify  under the common umbrella of the class gastropoda. Gastropoda is a large class of molluscs like snail, slugs and whelks. this are categorized under gastropo