The attractive male phesant.

 Silver pheasant

Kingdom: animalia
phyllum: chordata
class: Aves
order: galliformes
family: phasianidae
genus: lophura
species: L. nycthemera

Silver pheasants are mainly endemic to mainland of southeast asia and southern and eastern china. This species are mainly located in mountains. The picture shown above is of a male which is generally black and white and a female pheasant is characterised by its brown colour. 

The above picture was captured by me on our class field visit at Bondla wildlife sanctuary in Ponda Goa.  The enclosure of this birds was of glass in which they were moving around seeing a big crowd of us students.

Here in this picture if u notice there at the back u can see the female pheasant walking. If u compare the two opposite sexes , the males are more attractive due to the bright white colour and the red on their face that provides a constrat in the eyes of the viewer.

This bird was one of the species that I saw among different birds. It was my first time seeing this birds and personally speaking first time hearing their name too 😅. Nevermind there is always a first time.


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