Enjoying life at its own pace

Gargen  Snail

(Cornu aspersum)

kingdom  : Animalia 
Phyllum : Mollusca
   Class   : Gastropoda 
       Order   : Stylommatophora
  Genus    : Cornu      
           Species  : C. aspersum         

Garden snail as the name tells are often seen in garden, finding this slow moving organism was really helpfull during the rainy season. This species belong to the phyllum mollusca.
This phylllum species are known as molluscs and are characterised by having a soft body not well differentiated but mainly having a hard outer shell . The shell  is made up of calcium carbonate and is a bit fragile incase of snail, so watch out before stepping in your garden as your mis-step would end up you crushing their shell and killing a rather small innocent snail (cause i ended up doing the same)😅. Snails are of various variety but are classify  under the common umbrella of the class gastropoda. Gastropoda is a large class of molluscs like snail, slugs and whelks. this are categorized under gastropoda beacause of a single assymetrical shell and a largre muscular foot for movement (in most cases). 

This snails are herbivorous and feed on leaves stems and barks. As far as i have noticed their common predators are ants (this comming from what i have seen in my garden)👀. Their excreta is in the form of thin rope comming from their gastral pouch. Snails are hermophrodites they have both male amd female cells and they dont need a mating patner. They are self sufficient (don't need no mate😏) and possibly self fertilize the egg they lay around eighty eggs in damp place. This organisms are pretty fascinating are have amazing features and capabilities. They might seem slow but watchout slow and steady wins the race.😉


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